About Library

Welcome to GIPER Library a resource centre for pharmaceutical science. GIPER Library is established along with the establishment of institute in 2008 under Gourishankar Educational & Charitable Trusts by our beloved President Prof. M.S. Jagtap with a great vision of providing quality education in pharmacy to economically, educationally and socially weaker section of society. Our library is enriched with current resources in pharmaceutical sciences. Library also has some collection of science and humanity subject and competitive examination books.

GIPER Library has developed repository consisting of Syllabus, Magazines, Newsletters, Dissertations, Question papers etc. Library is having collection of CDs, DVDs. of & M.Pharmacy books along with science and humanity subjects. Library also has huge collection of various National and International Pharmacy journals.
To develop Library as a learning resource centre by providing literature and research highlights available globally particularly in Pharmaceutical Sciences.
To encourage students / faculty for updating their knowledge and identifying research gaps in Pharmacy field by digitization of library.
Library collection:
PARTICULARS | B.PHARM | M.PHARM | Total | View List |
TOTAL NO. OF TITLES | 1615 | 636 | 2251 | |
TOTAL NO. OF BOOKS | 7628 | 1165 | 8793 | - |
COST OF BOOKS Rs. | 3834521 | 2748925 | 6583446 | - |
TOTAL NO . OF JOURNALS(INT.+NAT.) | 13 | 1182 | 1195 | - |
COST OF JOURNALS RS.(international+national) | 29480 | 56904 | 86384 | View List |
E- JOURNALS, J Gate, National Digital Library, subscription price Rs. 44604 | sharing | 1177 | 1177 | View List |
NO. OF BOOK CD | 51 | 14 | 65 | View List |
News Papers Available :-
Daily Sakal, Times of India, Lokmat, Loksatta ,Maharashtra Times., Pudhari, Tarun Bharat. Employment News. GIPER Magazine, GIPER Newsletter.
Services Provided :-
Open Access, New Arrivals, User Awareness, Photocopy & Scanner, Reference Service, Current Awareness Service, News Paper Clipping, CD Access, Books & Periodical Display, Periodical Content Display, OPAC,QR codes for various resources, E. Journal Access. Book bank, Internet & Digital library.
Subscription & Open Access E-Resources :
Resource | Link | Description | |
J Gate Resources | | Platform to access full text pharmacy journals & resources | |
DBATU Knimbus | | Digital library platform to access e resources (e book & e journal)of multidisciplinary subjects | |
NDL (NATIONAL DIGITAL LIBRARY) | | All type of learning resources, audeo video, presentation, KG to PG educational contents | |
E PG pathashala | | High quality, curriculum-based, interactive e-content in 70 subjects across all disciplines of social sciences, arts, fine arts and humanities, natural & mathematical sciences, | |
Swayam | | Teaching learning courses for school, UG and PG. students | |
Shodh ganga | | Ph.D. Thesis repository | |
Diksha | | DIKSHA (Digital Infrastructure for Knowledge Sharing) is a national platform for school education, CBSE and NCERT digital contents. | |
DOAJ | | The DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) database contains over 15 000 peer-reviewed open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities. Open access journals from all countries and in all languages are welcome to apply for inclusion. | |
SPRINGER OPEN | | journal access in all areas of science, technology, medicine, the humanities and social sciences a place to publish open access in journals. Open access books are published by our Springer imprint. | |
Pubmed | | PubMed is a free resource supporting the search and retrieval of biomedical and life sciences literature with the aim of improving health–both globally and personally. | |
Open access journals | | The Open Access Journals Search Engine (OAJSE) service covers free, full text, quality controlled journals. We aim to cover journals in all subjects that are published in English language. There are now 4,775 journals in the directory. All are searchable at article level. | |
NISCAIR | | You can now access full text articles from research journals published by CSIR-NISCAIR! Full text facility is provided for nineteen research journals | |
MDPI | | Various open access journals & archivals available for access | |
Employment News : | | Job highlights and articles published in employment news | |
DOAB | | Directory of Open Access Books is a joint service of OAPEN, OpenEdition, CNRS and Aix-Marseille Université | |
PDF Drive | | PDF Drive is your search engine for PDF files. As of today we have 76,166,529 eBooks for you to download for free. No annoying ads, no download limits, enjoy …academic and fiction collection | |
E-Books Directory | | E-Books Directory is a daily growing list of links to freely accessible ebooks, documents and lecture notes found all over the internet. You can submit your own ebooks, or add other resources you come across. | |
Open Library | | Open Library is an open project: the software is open, the data are open, the documentation is open | |
INFLIBNET : | | Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) Centre, Gandhinagar is an Autonomous Inter-University Centre (IUC) of University Grants Commission, INFLIBNET is set out to be a major player in promoting scholarly communication among academicians and researchers in India. various e content consortium and resources available for study | |
Sahitya chintan | | Marathi Hindi English Story , novel books available for reading | |
e sathitya | | Marathi all types of books available to read | |
Vishvakosh | | is an online free encyclopedia in Marathi language, funded by the Government of Maharashtra, India. | |
Shabdkosh | | Search for words for meaning and translation in different languages | |
Shabdkosh | | Paribhasha kosh of various disciplines in marathi languagge | |
Koha OPAC(Library software) | | Access library catalogue of GIPER Library though various ways,author,title,publisher,subject etc. |
- To provide reference books, periodicals and latest edition books for updating knowledge in everyfield.
- To provide digital library facilities.
- To create favorable environment for students/faculty for reading and learning.
- To create awareness of importance of reading habits, handling of books and journals and maintaining silence for creating favorable educational environment.
Library Infrastructure:
Library is having 231.86 sq.m. area it is divided into Reading room, Stack room, Staff room and Digital room. It is under CCTV Surveillance.
Reading room: Library is having 100 readers capacity reading room. It is well ventilated with immense source of natural light. Favourable reading environment is well maintained in library.
Stack room: Stack room of library is maintained with various subjectwise book racks, Institute repository and transaction counter, hanging labels are provided in library for easy access of library.
Staff room: There is a separate partition for staff reading in library. Computers with internet facility is provided for the same.
Digital room: For internet and e-resources access separate digital room is equipped with six multimedia computers for students in the library.
News papers & arrivals: Separate display for reading daily newspapers is available in corridor along with suggestion box and new arrival display.
Library Purchase Committee 2023-24 :
Sr.No. | Name of committee member | Appointment in committee |
1 | Dr. A. S. Kulkarni (Principal) | Chairman |
2 | Dr. Y. A. Gurav (Vice Principal) | Co-Chairman |
3 | Mr. R.A.Khutale (Asso.Prof.) | In Charge |
4 | Mr. V. S. Nikam (Librarian) | Librarian |
5 | Dr. D. M. Ghadge (Asso.Prof.) | Member |
6 | Ms. S. M. Thorat (Asst. Librarian) | Member |
7 | Mr. D. K. Dubal (Library Attendant) | Member |

- Name: Mr. Nikam Vijay Shivaji
- Designation: Librarian
- Qualification: M.Sc.M.Lib.&I.Sc.
- Department: Library
- Area of Expertise: Library Sc.
- Date Of Birth: 15/06/1979
- Experience: 12
- Email ID:
- Phone: 8551014240