Industry Institute Interaction Cell

Industry Institute Interaction Cell

To strengthen the relationship between industry and our institute, the Industry-Institution Interaction Cell has been established in the year 2021, which provides an excellent platform for both the students as well as the faculty members to be aware of industry expectations from the graduates. Industry-institute interaction is the most ideal activity for mutual benefit and growth of industries as well as institutions. The objective of the IIP Cell is to reduce the gap between industry expectations (practice) and academic offerings (theory) by direct involvement of industry to attain a symbiosis.


  • To bridge the gap between Industry and Institute.
  • To give industrial exposure to faculty and students, thus enabling them to tune their knowledge to cope with the industrial culture.
  • To organize in-plant training for the students.
  • To arrange industrial visits for faculty members and students.
  • To sigh MoU’s (Memorandum of Understanding) between the institute and industries to facilitate joint research work and interdisciplinary research work.
  • To share the experience and expertise between institutions and industry for mutual benefit.
  • To identify and arrange guest lectures, interactive workshops, conferences, seminars, and technical discussions etc. with members of the industry.
Sr. No. Name of the Person Designation
1. Dr. Yogesh A. Gurav Chairman
2. Dr. Santosh N. Belhekar Incharge
3 Dr. Sachin Kokil
Shilpa Biologicals Private Limited, Dharwad, Karnataka.
Industry Representative
4 Mr. Dudheshwar C. Kshirsagar Member
5 Ms. Gouri C. Ithape Member
6 Ms. Yogeshwari R. Deshmukh Member